Energy Psychology


on a scientific basis
easy & effective


... a form of psychotherapy in which meridian points and eye movements are used to dissolve emotional, mental and physical energy blockades and restore energy balance.

Scientifically founded, this method is used worldwide in therapy of phobias, depression and trauma, but also in coaching, coping with stress or performance enhancement, e. g. at work, in school/university, sports and music.

Energy psychology combines insights from

  • traditional Chinese medicine,
  • psychology,
  • kinesiology
  • and modern brain research.

Scientific studies show its speed and effectiveness (125+ published studies).

In contrast to EFT, which works with standardized meridian points, Fred Gallo’s Advanced Energy Psychology uses precise diagnostics for an individual and thus tailored therapy.

The methods of energy psychology are easy to learn and easy to apply.


for all professionals and interested persons (no psychological knowledge required) the basics for


  • reducing stress - fast and effectively
  • dealing with fears and blocks in performance
  • promoting energy balance.

The everyday EP self-help techniques are appreciated by a wide audience. We will train you to use these effective "first aid tools" for successful daily application. You learn how to deal better with stress, actively restore your own mental balance and make your life easier.

People in health professions and education can use these techniques with their patients, clients, and pupils.

The basic workshop focuses on EP self-help techniques and is therefore suitable for a wide audience. The everyday techniques offer fast and effective help in overcoming stress, anxiety and blocks in performance.

In addition to self-care, specific professional groups such as nurses, teachers, social workers, therapists, doctors, etc. can also use these techniques taught here in their work context.

Topics of the basic workshop:

  • the basics of Energy Psychology
  • 14 main points of treatment
  • EP midline technology
  • Brain Balance and Hook up
  • Emotional Stress Release

Doctors and therapists can continue with the training in EDxTM (Energy Diagnostic & Treatment Methods) (see AEP-EDxTM training). Prior participation in the basic workshop is obligatory for the practitioner training.

The BASIC WORKSHOP takes place as
a) full day training in presence
- Location:
Institut Re-Sourcen, 68, rue de Beggen, 1220 Luxemburg
b) or online on two consecutive evenings: via Zoom
Number of participants: 15
Workshop language: french
Cost: € 180 + Manual

Please register via our cooperation partner


Dates and registration



Advanced-Energy-Psychology-Practitioner Training 2026

Have a deeper look at it with our
Advanced-Energy-Psychology-Practitioner Training
for psychologists, doctors and nurses*. (* Hypnopraticiens certifiés)


You learn to apply the diagnostics and methods independently and to combine them with your previous approaches to treat problematic behaviours, anxiety, depression, addiction, and other clinical disorders.

Energy Psychology can:

  • be used as solitary interventions
  • and combined with other therapeutic methods.

Energy Psychology techniques are fast, effective, and strengthen patient autonomy.

Energy Psychology is successfolly applied worldwide in psychotherapy and coaching.

EP - EDxTM Practitioner Training (Energy Diagnostic & Treatment Methods)

The EDxTM training is a certified advanced training course for doctors and psychotherapists in which the specific diagnostics of Advanced Energy Psychology and its therapeutic methods are offered.

EP is particularly effective in the treatment of anxiety, phobias, psychological trauma and other persistent mood disorders and can well be combined with other psychotherapeutic methods.

Stimulation of specific meridians by acupressure or tapping is scientifically proven to be an extremely effective treatment (see studies on EFT, TFT).
The special feature of Dr. Fred Gallo’s AEP is its precise diagnostics, which enables individually tailored treatments.

The internationally recognized EDxTM practitioner certificate is issued by Dr. F. Gallo himself and includes the entry on the international list of therapists.

Contents of the training (PDF)

Number of participants: 15
Workshop language: french
Cost: €1950 + Certificat international von Fred Gallo PhD

Next training: 2026

Please register via our cooperation partner

I want to register for the PRACTITIONER training



Flyer Hypno-Tapping 2025




Energy Psychology® in Luxembourg We are accredited as a training institute for Energy Psychology® in Luxembourg by Fred Gallo PhD.

ESTABLISHED We have been successfully treating our patients with EP for over 15 years. We have been active in training for 9 years.

EXPERTISE We are accredited psychotherapists and trainers for Energy Psychology® Level I-IV.

COMPREHENSIVE We offer colleagues from medical and psychosocial professions a complete training in energetic psychology (Level IV) including supervision.

INDIVIDUAL We work purposely with small groups, as it is our concern to be able to respond to individual needs of participants and thus ensure optimal care.

FRED GALLO - Accessing Health and the Michelangelo Principle
In this video Fred Gallo presents his energy approach with creativity and humor.
He tells inspiring anecdotes and shows practical techniques..